Optimized Driving Eyeglass Lens from ZEISS
Perfect Driving Glasses to See Every Detail on the Road
Being able to see well while driving is an absolute necessity for reaching the destination safely and stress-free. When driving, our eyes are working overtime: constantly shifting focus between the road and the street, side-view and rearview mirrors, the GPS and speedometer. Bad weather or adverse light conditions can additionally impact your ability to see the road ahead clearly. The ZEISS DriveSafe are perfect eyeglass lenses for driving that minimize visual stress, ensuring excellent wearer comfort and greater safety while travelling by car. These special lenses will help the driver enjoy better vision in difficult weather conditions or at night, protect their eyes from reflections and make it easier to shift viewing focus – quickly and often.
Reduced Reflections for Comfortable Driving Experience
Το help drivers judge distances and road situations more quickly and efficiently, the ZEISS DriveSafe Lenses feature the DuraVision DriveSafe Coating that reduces reflections off the wet street, as well as irritating glare from the headlights of oncoming cars or street lamps. Thus, the lenses enhance the wearer’s vision experience in low light and poor weather conditions during the day or night while driving. The design of ZEISS DriveSafe Lenses accommodates drivers' special visual needs, providing clear vision of the dashboard, road, rear-view mirror and side mirrors.

Better Vision in the Challenging Light Conditions
Whether you drive a lot or a little, good vision while driving is crucially important. Driving in bad weather and tricky conditions is uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for most people. The pupil size changes depending on the amount of the surrounding light, causing eye fatigue and headaches. Unlike conventional eyeglass lenses that don't incorporate this change into their design, the DriveSafe Lenses from ZEISS have the innovative lens design that accommodates the wearer's enlarged pupil diameter when driving in poor light. This lens design also increases contrast, improves vision in bad weather and eliminates possible distortions within the lens periphery – particularly with progressive lenses. As a result, a driver has better vision and can more precisely judge viewing distances in stressful driving situations.
The Right Solution for Everyone
Taking into account the many stressful situations on the road when a driver’s eyes are confronted with glare, ZEISS created a special new anti-reflecting coating that reduces the subjective sensation of glare* – from oncoming vehicles with Xenon or LED headlights – and efficiently protects lenses from the adhesion of dirt particles and scratches. The DuraVision® DriveSafe coating partially reflects wavelengths in the high-energy, visible portion of the blue light spectrum, including the band around the wavelength of 450 nm. This coating was proven effective with wearers preferring it for headlight glare reduction more than 2 to 1 over other premium AR coatings. *With DuraVision DriveSafe 64% less test drivers reported issues with glare with the new coating than with other premium AR coatings.

Unique Category of Lenses
ZEISS DriveSafe Lenses are suited both to driving as well as everyday use. They are specifically designed to meet the vision needs of those eyeglass wearers who want night- or everyday- driving glasses to feel safer and more comfortable when behind the wheel. DriveSafe meets this need for single vision and progressive lenses.

The eyeglasses with DriveSafe lenses are intended for both driving and everyday use, and thus can be worn for the entire day.

Designed for dynamic vision allowing fast refocusing from the road to the dashboard and mirrors. Near viewing zone ideally suited to daily activities.
More Comfortable Driving Experience with Progressive LensesZEISS DriveSafe for Extra Convenience

Your Perfect Everyday Glasses
Using a combination of an optimized lens design and a special coating, ZEISS DriveSafe offers you a perfect lens for everyday use with special features to make driving a more relaxed experience. ZEISS DriveSafe Lenses feature a large, wide distance zone, an optimized mid-distance zone and a near viewing zone suitable for both working and reading. This all-round solution makes driving a car more comfortable, while meeting the needs of your day-to-day life. Put your trust in ZEISS technologies for good vision when driving.